Tuesday 30 December 2014

The village or the city?

There are more opportunities in the village than in the city.  Sounds impractical... I know. I also thought it did.

I have been spending my holiday season in the village and I have done a lot of observation around.

People here are making 150,000 a month and more and you are busy in Nairobi earning way less or even jobless.

Don't begin saying the land here is fertile and no it is not maize or flower farming. I'm talking about Machakos county. Water is scarce here and the land is not as fertile as that in Rift valley or Central but people are making it.

There is chicken farming, goat keeping, greenhouses and fruit farming. All these require very little capital to begin and have good earnings.

Big houses have been built, children educated and plenty of investments made from these incomes.

You will be shocked to see the live styles people are living. The city lifestyles cannot even compare.

I think it is time we reconsider. The city or the village? For me, it is the village any day any time.

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